On 1 May 2019 the Maternal Journal website was launched at an event held at King's College London. The website provides inspiration and support for pregant women, new mothers and those that birth to set up a group or journal of their own, with nine artist templates commissioned from a diverse group of visual artists, poets and writers, illustrated by Merlin Strangway.
Visit the website to find out more
Laura Godfrey-Isaacs, artistic lead, curates the Birth, Arts & Culture blog page on the All4Maternity website. The blog brings together exciting perspectives into maternity from arts, culture and media sources.
Read more on Birth, Arts & Culture
Professor Carmine Pariante, academic lead, has also written a blog post entitled 'The key to maternal mental health? Make it a collective experience again #maternalmhmatters' for The Mental Elf.
Read Carmine's blog post
Two project films were made about Maternal Journal by filmmaker Martim Ramos
Artwork by Amy Dignam, 2017
Normal Labour and Birth conference - Grange over Sands, 17 - 19 June 2019
Laura Godfrey-Isaacs gave a Pecha Kucha presentation about https://www.maternaljournal.org/
Motherworks - Cambridge Junction, 8 June 2019
Motherworks is a one day festival exploring a range of perspectives surrounding maternal mental health and our relationship to motherhood.
Maternal Journal website launch - King's College London, 1 May 2019
A day of workshops followed by a live event with panel discussions, audience Q&A and a presentation of the Maternal Journal website.
Oxytocin - Mothering the World - King's College London, 9 March 2019
A Maternal Journal workshop run by Laura Godfrey-Isaacs
Maternal Mental Health Alliance conference, 6 September 2018
Laura Godfrey-Isaacs and project collaborator Kristi Sawyer presented the Maternal Journal film.
Watch the Maternal Journal film
Arts in Mind Festival - King's College London, 7 June 2018
A panel of midwives, researchers, writers, artists and mothers discussed the Maternal Journal project.
Department of Midwifery Annual Conference: 'I Have a Voice' - University of London, 14 February 2018
Laura Godfrey-Isaacs was a guest speaker at the event.
Maternal Journal workshops - Ovalhouse, September - December 2017
A series of workshops led by five different artists explored various creative forms of journaling.
As an academic and a clinician I have been fascinated to discover how powerful journaling can be in improving or preventing mental health problems at such a difficult, vulnerable time. And yet, the whole process felt so natural: writing about your feelings, and then discussing these emotions with friends; how could it not help?
Professor Carmine Pariante, academic lead
Maternal Journal carves out space for pregnant women and new mothers to document, reflect and voice their experience in unique and creative ways. Developing a regular practice of journaling alongside group support, the project offers new ways to support women with mild to moderate mental health problems through the perinatal period.
Laura Godfrey-Isaacs, artistic lead
I feel energised and [that I have been] given permission and support to continue to find and establish my own space and voice creatively, at home and outside. In turn that makes me feel already less anxiousand fearful about the impact of this baby on my sanity.
Hannah, project participant
Maternal Journal as a concept and a working model is fantastic. I’ve found the sessions joyous, cathartic, hopeful, inspiring and informative. I feel blessed to have access to sucha brilliant group.
Chantelle, project participant
Artwork by Amy Dignam, 2017
Carmine M. Pariante is Professor of Biological Psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, and Consultant Perinatal Psychiatrist at the South London and Maudsley NHS Trust. He investigates the role of stress in the pathogenesis of mental disorders and in the response to psychotropic drugs, both in clinical samples and experimental settings. His work focuses on depression and fatigue, with a particular interest in the perinatal period and in subjects with medical disorders. Moreover, he also uses experimental and cellular models.Professor Pariante has received numerous awards for his research, most recently the 2012 “Academic Psychiatrist of the Year” Award from the Royal College of Psychiatrists, the 2015 Anna-Monika Prize for Research on Depression, the 2016 PNIRS Normal Cousins Award for Research in Psychoneuroimmunology, and the 2017 Adrea Leadsom Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Field of Infant Mental Health.His dream is that new therapeutic tools targeting the stress system will soon be available to alleviate the suffering of patients with mental health problems. Click here to follow Carmine on Twitter.
Laura Godfrey-Isaacs is an artist, midwife and feminist academic and activist. She spent over twenty years in the arts, as a visual arts, academic and creative producer. In 2016 she graduated as a midwife from King’s College London, and now works at King’s College Hospital, London. She aspires to bring her knowledge and experience in the arts together with midwifery, to bring fresh interdisciplinary perspectives to inform education, practice and research. She is currently Research Associate with The Digital Institute for Early Parenthood, Ambassador for Proceate Projects and co-lead of the Health policy committee at The Women’s Equality Party. In 2017 she joined the Leadership Thought Group at the NMC charged with revising the Midwifery Education Standards.Click here to follow Laura on Twitter and read her blog here.
Rebecca Bind - PhD student
Kristi Sawyer - PhD student
Beatrice Allegri - PhD student