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Life's Symphony

Life's Symphony" is a short animated video introducing developmental biology and how the form we take is shaped by evolution, genes and cells.

In 2015, Mark Hintze, a former PhD student in the Craniofacial Development and Stem Cell Biology Division at the Dental Institute was supported and funded by the  Early Career Researchers Scheme to produce a video about developmental biology, in collaboration with artist Diana Gradinaru and sound producer Marian Mentrup. The clip entitled "Developmental Biology: Life's Symphony" is a short animated video introducing developmental biology and how the form we take is shaped by evolution, genes and cells. The video can be viewed below.

Mark was asked for an idea for a project to collaborate with an artist. As a student he has always had an interest in developmental biology but found there was little information out there for those interested in exploring how these things work. "People don't ask the simple questions about developmental biology, such as why our arms are the same length, and how our fingernails know how to grow," he explains. He decided to pitch the idea to the Culture Institute to help other students engage in the topic. 

Mark received a grant of £1,000 and was put in touch with artist Diana Gradinaru and sound producer Marian Mentrup to turn his idea into reality. The result was a fun and engaging animated clip that explores the topics around developmental biology. 

Project film



Project team

Mark Hintze

Diana Gradinaru, artist

Marian Mentrup, sound producer


It was supported by the university's Culture team as part of the Collaborative Scheme for Early Career Researchers.

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