Yvonne Truepenny
Shielding is going well. Paul and I are enjoying our time together. We consider ourselves very lucky to live in the countryside. We have seen buzzards and a red kite flying in the area. We also have a grey squirrel, pheasants and numerous small birds visit the garden.
I am keeping busy painting garden fences and digging the garden, setting vegetables and weeding them. Paul sets the seeds in the glasshouse in early spring.

We had a relaxing day in the garden yesterday as it was my 60th birthday. Our two daughters were a little disappointed as they had arranged for us all to go away for the weekend. We have never been away together before as they have animals. It was going to be a surprise! However, something to look forward to after Josephine has her first baby in July 2020.
My 5 year old grandson presented me for my 60th birthday with a card of pressed flowers out of their garden, a papier-mâché bowl in rainbow colours and a stress ball made out of a birthday balloon, filled with flour and a face drawn on.

In summary the shielding time has been a positive time for Paul and I to have some time together and focus on jobs in the garden and exercise. The family have been able to cope by helping each other with tasks and using technology to remain in contact. Although we have missed the cuddles and personal contact, we have not suffered any mental health problems. Living in the countryside means we are naturally isolated and some days do not see anyone. Life may remain different and we accept the change.