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Marginalised communities and mental health

Lead by: Stephani Hatch and Hanna Kienzler

We know that some groups of people experience poorer mental health than others, such as minoritised racial and ethnic groups, migrants, refugees and sanctuary seekers, LGBTQ+ people, people on low incomes, and young people. These groups may also find it harder to access support and have poorer outcomes of support. Importantly, people usually belong to more than one social group (intersectional) and this may lead to different experiences. 

We focus on minoritised racial and ethnic groups, migrants, refugees and sanctuary seekers, and LGBTQ+ people and their intersectional social statuses. Experiences of discrimination amongst these groups may have more pronounced effects on mental health in the current social and political environment which compounds social exclusion. 

In this social context, we aim to address underlying linked structural and systemic societal causes of mental health differences, including: 

  • discrimination (at structural, institutional, communal and interpersonal levels) 
  • persistent uncertain employment and financial insecurity 
  • housing and food insecurity 
  • access to healthcare including mental healthcare 
  • other forms of adversity and stress, such as violence and trauma  

In partnership with individuals from communities and groups most affected, we examine the effects of these structural and systemic causes on mental health and how, through small-scale and often neighbourhood-generated practices, communities build steadfastness and resilience in these challenging conditions.  


If you would like more information about this programme, please do get in touch

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