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We have a significant and wide-ranging impact portfolio across the cultural and creative industries.

Our submission, along with the Department of Digital Humanities, to the latest Research Excellence Framework (2021) saw 100 per cent of our research impact ranked as either 'world-leading' (4*) or 'internationally excellent' (3*).

High impact projects include collaborations with the cinema industry, children's interactions with screen content, work on cultural opportunities — all impacting policy and education and citizenship. 



Discover the projects King's CMCI staff are engaged in.

Creative Women in Lagos

Creative Women in Lagos

A Network and Documentary Film Project brought together by Dr England, Dr Ikpe, and Professor…

Never at Sea

Never at Sea

An exhibition by Dr Kate McMillan exploring forced migration and the climate crisis.

Find out how King’s Arts & Humanities is making a difference



Highlighting the impact King's Arts & Humanities research has on, and for, the benefit of society.

Making a difference

Making a difference

Bringing world-leading expertise of arts and humanities on some of the world's most pressing…