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About us


The Cicely Saunders Institute was the world’s first purpose-built Institute for palliative care, and it was established thanks to the pioneering vision of Dame Cicely Saunders. Towards the end of her life, Dame Cicely founded the Cicely Saunders International charity to carry on her work and advance palliative care research. Cicely Saunders International partnered with the Department of Palliative Care, Policy & Rehabilitation at King’s College London and opened our Institute in 2010.

Vision and Mission of the Cicely Saunders Institute 


Our Vision is to remain at the forefront of palliative care and rehabilitation research, education and clinical care, developing knowledge and leaders in the field, and situating patients, families, and the public at the core of our efforts. We strive for excellence to improve care and reduce inequalities, ensuring that the changing needs of global populations are met across health and social care from childhood to the oldest old. 


We maximise our impact by integrating:  

  • Cutting-edge research – world-leading discovery that improves care through robust clinical, policy, and applied health research, driven by patients, families, and the public 
  • Skilled multi-disciplinary clinical care – delivering equitable, accessible, inclusive, and sustainable interventions in health and social care and support to people living and dying with serious illness and those close to them  
  • Innovative education – underpinned by evidence to develop tomorrow’s leaders and drives national and international change in policy and practice. 

Download a copy of the Cicely Saunders Institute triennial report 2020 - 2023.

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Inspiring tomorrow's palliative care leaders around the world.

Research & impact

Research & impact

We pioneer the best clinical, applied and health services research and maximise our impact by…

Patients & the public

Patients & the public

Public involvement is critical to our work and enables us to respond to the changing needs of…

#1 in the world for research citations in palliative care (top 1% according to SciVal)

Highest recruiter of patients into UK palliative care studies