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PhD Supervisor Availability

Please see the list of academic staff who are interested in taking on new PhD students, by clicking through the Research Group headings below. There are some who are actively looking for students for October 2021 entry. Those with * after their name are only looking at supervising students for October 2022 entry only.

You are strongly encouraged to contact potential supervisors to discuss your proposal before applying. Additionally it will help your application if a supervisor has indicated interest in, or willingness to supervise, your research project.

Before approaching a potential supervisor, read some of their publications on their Research Profiles to see if they undertake work in an area relevant to you. This will help you to decide whether they are the right fit for you and your project. When approaching a potential supervisor, it is important to show an appreciation of their research expertise and interests.

When you have identified a supervisor you would like to work with, please email them, and include the following information in your message:

  • A short message explaining your background, research interests and why you are interested in undertaking a PhD

  • An explanation of why you think they are the right supervisor for your project, demonstrating your familiarity with their research work

  • A copy of your CV

  • An early draft of your research proposal (usually about 1 page).

If you do not send this information you may not get a response to your email, as without these details it will not be possible for a supervisor to assess whether they will be able to supervise your project.

It is fine to send queries to more than one supervisor, but please do not send blanket email requests to more than four academics at a time. These are unlikely to receive a response.

If you do not receive a response from your preferred supervisor after a week, then feel free to send them a reminder. If you still do not receive a response, you can still submit your application and include the name your preferred supervisor in your application. Your application will still be considered.

Please note that a supervisor’s agreement to supervise you does not guarantee entry to the programme. You must submit an online application with all of the required documents before the School is able to make a full assessment of your suitability.

Accounting & Financial Management

Banking & Finance


Human Resource Management & Employment Relations


Public Services Management & Organisation

Strategy, International Management & Entrepreneurship