Programme themes
We’ve built three themes into the very core of the programme.
Complexity - The world is complicated. And doing business in a complicated world throws constant challenges at you. Every module of the programme brings together diverse opinions to help you understand the world from new perspectives. The expertise you’re exposed to will help you think critically and become capable of leading organisations through complex challenges.
Teamwork - You can’t be a leader without a team. Group work is threaded throughout the programme to replicate how you’d work in your own organisation. You’ll assume different roles while we actively help you develop the skills and processes you need to succeed as a leader and team member.
Digital as standard - The world is digital. Technology isn’t an optional add on for businesses, it’s an integral part of daily life. Everything from the way you learn to the activities you complete will reflect the realities of working in a digital world. We’ll bring in experts from across King’s who will help you understand technologies and their opportunities for your business. How will NFTs affect your financing? What does automation really mean for your workforce? Which new technologies are King’s scientists working on with the potential to disrupt or revolutionise your industry?
Year one
You can’t get where you’re going without knowing where you are now. So before exploring your ambitions, we begin the programme with some background. What leadership qualities do you have now? What skills can you improve to be the best possible leader?
Then we move on to context. What’s happening in the world? What challenges will you face as a leader?
Finally, for your first year, we’ll help you build your confidence to engage specialist teams and lead across your business, achieving financial and impact goals. Throughout the course, you’ll have opportunities to combine your knowledge and apply your new skills to practical, real-world solutions.
Year two
In your second year, you’ll explore business strategy, innovation, and impact. You’ll work on challenging projects where you’ll need to consider different perspectives to make strong decisions.
In the Global Immersion and Impact Projects, you and your peers will work with private and non-profit organisations to solve challenges they’re facing. You will work to understand the challenge, research solutions, and then present your recommendations to your client to help them deliver real impact.
Leadership skills are the bedrock of your Executive MBA journey. Together, we’ll explore how leadership is changing, as well as the frameworks, skills and tools you can apply in your own organisation. Decide how to position yourself for immediate and long-term success, thinking ahead to the legacy you’d like to leave on the world. Working with an executive coach individually and in groups you’ll explore your leadership strengths and areas for development and how to flex your skills across a hybrid world of interactions.
This module helps managers to lead the mind-shift from seeing ESG and sustainability as a function within the business, to it becoming delivered and quantified by each element of the business to create sustainable value and opportunity. The course materials and design of the teaching approach aims to combine a rigorous theoretical grounding with a transfer of skills required to enable future leaders to envision and lead sustainable business. Throughout, the focus is on challenging business-as-usual from a personal and organisational perspective. This course begins by bringing future leaders face-to-face with the scientific realities of climate change, rather than the rhetoric. Participants will consider the business opportunities that these challenges present and the possibilities for sustainable growth. We’ll also take a critical perspective to recognise the challenges of rapid change and the headwinds presented by business-as-usual. Finally, participants will identify the regulatory ambitions of ESG and sustainable business and share some of the limitations we experience in data and information, current business practices and management systems.
Throughout the course interactive exercises and simulations are designed to challenge the ‘traditional’ business mindset, providing participants with actionable insights, examples and skills via state-of-the-art research, guest speakers and case studies from the front line. Participants will leave the course with a thorough understanding of the ESG and sustainability landscape, in particular the opportunities and risks for business and your own organisation. You will leave with a detailed understanding of how the topics relate to your own area and an action plan to develop, lead and implement business transformation.
This module helps you unlock your full potential as a strategic leader. Developed for experienced professionals, this intensive module offers a blend of practical and theoretical knowledge to help you analyse and navigate today's fast-paced business environment. Through interactive classroom sessions, real-world case studies, and hands-on experiences, you'll learn how to develop winning strategies and drive results for your organisation.
As companies strive to navigate a landscape of shifting consumer preferences and ever-increasing competition, uncertainty, and disruptions, developing an effective marketing strategy has become crucial and challenging. An effective marketing strategy involves a series of interconnected processes that enable organisations to establish a sustainable and profitable position in the industry by considering all the forces shaping the competition. This module introduces students to a blueprint for developing effective marketing strategies, as well as a range of strategic tools and frameworks for designing, implementing, and evaluating marketing strategies and plans. These processes encompass four key stages of strategic marketing:
+ Where are we now? (Strategic marketing audit)
+ Where do we want to be? (Marketing strategy development)
+ How will we get there? (Marketing strategy translation)
+ Did we get there? (Marketing strategy evaluation)
Through interactive marketing simulations, case study discussions, and practical workshops, students will examine key strategic challenges that today's marketers face, develop innovative and viable solutions to address these challenges, and identify sources of competitive advantage in today's rapidly evolving markets.
Using online and self-study materials and primers, you’ll work at your own level to develop your understanding of management accounting and corporate finance. We’ll then come together to build your expertise in concepts of strategic financial management and the communication of numbers and corporate finance across the C-suite and your wider organisation.
The module covers the core economic concepts underpinning economic decision-making, including scarcity, opportunity cost, demand and supply fundamentals, and the role of market structures. It will also cover macroeconomic tools for examining the determinants of innovation and sustainability, such as agglomeration theory, (neo)Schumpeterian theory (e.g., creative destruction and technological waves).
The selection of the material and design of the teaching approach strives to provide students with actionable insights and experience, by rigorously engaging with foundational theory, state-of-the-art research, and case studies. The method of delivery will complement focused lectures with dynamic simulations, organising the class into teams to work on applied case studies and closing with group presentations to answer the big questioned posed.
We live in a world that is characterised by high levels of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. Although organisations now often have huge volumes of data, this often doesn't give simple answers: data may be incomplete, inaccurate or simply irrelevant. This creates a challenge for leaders: people seek certainty and reassurance, and yet uncertainty persists. In this module, we will explore this dilemma looking both at the technical and social aspects of the problem. We will explore the ways of understanding different problems, the limitations of data and frameworks available to solve them (and how to mitigate these), and the broader cultural challenges that organisations face in managing uncertainty. Throughout the module, we will take a practical approach to solving problems, and reflecting on their implications for leaders.
In this module, we’ll address the future of work. What does it look like? How can companies become and remain agile in a changing, global, virtual world? We’ll look at more than attracting, selecting and retaining talent. You’ll focus on how to make the very best of a diverse workforce and consider methods and structures companies can embed to leverage human capital.
In this module we will focus on how you can innovate for impact, and how you can navigate and shape organisational environments to embrace the entrepreneurial opportunities of unmet social and environmental needs. You will reflect on how you can advance your career with purpose, and on how to use your skills to bridge the divide between social and financial value creation. From your position inside an established organisation, you will enhance your ability to act as an entrepreneurial change agent or catalyst for positive social change, and to redefine the impact that business can achieve.
During the second year, students will travel to a destination that will change each year to participate in this required module. The module is designed to provide a high-level survey of the economic, cultural and geo-political drivers behind regions integral to the global economy. It will focus in particular on digital innovation to transform global business. By attending faculty lectures and traveling abroad to meet with local business leaders and government officials, students have the opportunity to learn from a tremendous group of professionals while also immersing themselves in another culture and building strong relationships with their cohort. The course is composed of pre-trip prep, a week long global immersion, and a group assignment due after the trip.
This module has been designed to provide students with practical opportunities to apply their learning in real-world situations; to explore real-time business and economic concepts and operations in depth, and to bring information and ideas together from different topics and people to help solve real-world business challenges. It is also intended to help them develop as professionals, and to reflect on their strengths and their plans for future development - whether as a consultant or in another field.
An integrated programme journey
Our Executive MBA is carefully designed and curated to bring together academic teaching and practical study alongside experiential learning, personalised coaching and exposure to a wide intellectual and stimulating community.
All of the core components of the programme, including executive coaching, fireside chats and opportunities for structured and informal networking will be conveniently timetabled into your time spent on campus or your regular core learning commitments.
Workshops and coaching
Workshops throughout the programme will be tailored to your career stage – and your ambitions. You have the potential to succeed at any venture and we’ll provide as many opportunities as possible to help you along the way.
You’ll meet your personal executive coach throughout the programme. Together, you’ll explore your professional goals and your personal values and priorities. Coaching can help you solve leadership challenges, develop skills, and create a plan to achieve your aims.
Fireside chats & practitioner talks
King’s is home to top researchers in a huge range of areas. We’ll bring some of that leading insight to the programme through our fireside chats. You’ll have your say about who we invite – and together we’ll discuss the topics and challenges you’re exploring in the programme from the perspective of some of the brightest brains in the country.
Building your personal resilience
We’ll draw on some of King’s renowned expertise in health and wellbeing through the personal resilience programme. Many of today’s most successful leaders have got where they are having mastered personal resilience and wellbeing. The activities in the programme will give you habits to stay well throughout your career.
Course format
As a rising star in your organisation you’ll have a busy schedule and you’ll have important personal commitments. We have designed the programme to fit around your personal and professional life.
At King’s you’ll visit campus for 10 intensive blocks of a few days, using weekends within this so that you are not out of the office too often. You’ll spend this time working on real projects, alongside leading academics and your cohort of professional peers, maximising the time spent together to learn and practise solving complex challenges as a team.
This in-person immersion is complemented by convenient virtual learning between the blocks, both self-paced and synchronous with your classmates. And of course, you’ll always have access to the huge resources of King’s at any time you wish.