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The King's Leadership & People Management Programme

Enhance your leadership skills and position yourself for immediate and future success.

Executives in their mid-careers face ever-increasing challenges. There are new opportunities and greater rewards, but allied to those are increasing demands & problems with team members and colleagues at all levels of the organisation. 

Our Leadership & People Management programme is designed to help: we equip executives to understand and tackle leadership challenges in ways that will be relevant throughout their working lives.

Unlock your leadership potential

Taking place over four days at King’s Business School, the course includes an individual work-related project and coaching for participants where you will explore your own leadership challenges. We then bring the group back together for a final Capstone day (which can be completed in person or virtually dependent on your location) to reflect on your progress and build the foundations for your next step.


Toby Newton-John

Toby Newton-John

Testimonial received from Toby Newton-John, Head of School - University of Technology, Sydney joined…

Niki Akrivou

Niki Akrivou

Testimonial received from Niki Akrivou, Chief Product Officer at Snag, joined us for our latest…

Matt Bevington

Matt Bevington

Testimonial received from Matt Bevington, Practice Director, Regulatory & Political Due Diligence at…

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