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King's Business School Advisory Council

King’s Business School benefits from the advice and guidance of our Advisory Council. The Advisory Council is comprised of experienced external stakeholders from the business, education and public sectors. Our student community is also represented.

The Advisory Council provides advice on our future strategy and plays a vital role in developing King’s Business School’s connectivity to practitioners, businesses and future partners. The Council meets twice a year.

The current members are:


Mark Versey, CEO, Aviva Investors, and King's Business School Advisory Council Chair

Susan Gilchrist, Chair, Global Clients, Brunswick Group, and Deputy Chair of the King's Business School Advisory Council

Professor Stephen Bach, Executive Dean, King’s Business School

Elaine Arden, Chief Human Resources Officer, HSBC

Dave Franklin, Director of Professional Services, Google UK

Louise Herring, Chief Digital and Strategy Officer, Brambles

Laura Hinton, Managing Partner, PwC

Rita Kakati-Shah, CEO, Uma

Wendy Loretto, Professor of Organisational Behaviour, University of Edinburgh Business School

David Redfern, President Corporate Development, GSK

Lamé Verre, Sustainability Director - Net Zero, the Crown Estate

Malcolm Ace, Chief Financial Officer, King’s College London

Elena Christodoulou, Public Services Management & Organisation PhD student 

Ijeoma Chuku, Business Management BSc student

Matthew Gorman, Director of Development, King's College London and King's Health Partners

Dr Robyn Klingler-Vidra, Vice Dean for Global Engagement, King's Business School

Dan Maggs, Director of Partnerships & External Engagement, King's Business School

Suzanne Marcuzzi, Director of Operations, King's Business School

Professor Rachel Mills, Senior Vice President (Academic), King's College London

To get in contact with the King's Business School Advisory Council, please contact Dan Maggs, Director of Partnerships and External Engagement (and secretary of the Advisory Council) at