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Postgraduate research


Our Postgraduate Research is helping shape the future of healthcare

Listed below are funded postgraduate research opportunities managed both within the School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences (BMEIS) and College-Wide - please note application instructions for individual programmes prior to applying:

BMEIS Postgraduate Research Funding Programmes/Studentships

Individually Funded PhD Projects

We recruit excellent students for a wide range of studentships. Applications are invited for a range of fully funded research studentships offered by our interdisciplinary research groups and centres, covering tuition fees and a stipend:


EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Advanced Engineering in Personalised Surgery & Intervention

Our newly established CDT in Advanced Engineering on Personalised Surgery & Intervention (AE-PSI) offers projects on:

  • Smart Surgical Instruments and Active Implants, including surgical robotics, advanced imaging systems, and human/machine implantable interfaces.
  • Surgical Data Science, including creation of clinical decision support systems and interventional imaging analysis.
  • Digital Surgical Twins, including patient specific models that allow for in silico training and outcome prediction.

These scholarships cater for students requiring further technical skills development through an MRes, and for students that can directly embark on PhD research.

Apply now for 2025/26 entry (applications close 28 February 2025): EPSRC CDT in Advanced Engineering in Personalised Surgery & Intervention


Centre for Doctoral Training in Digital Twins for Healthcare

Do you want to make a difference in digital advancements of healthcare? Do you want to bridge the gap between healthcare domain-based knowledge, state-of-the art computing, and personalization techniques? Do you want to test your skills in real-life healthcare applications? Join our CDT in Digital Twins for Healthcare (DT4Health) at King’s College London!

Apply now for 2025/26 entry (applications close 03 January 2025): CDT in Digital Twins for Healthcare


EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Smart Medical Imaging

The CDT in Smart Medical Imaging (SMI) provides a comprehensive interdisciplinary PhD programme in Medical Imaging, specifically designed to meet the challenges in healthcare and medical imaging. The Centre builds on strong existing collaborations between King's and Imperial College London, including substantial joint grant funding, joint publications and current joint-supervision. The CDT is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

With complementary strengths in basic physical sciences, engineering and clinical translation, the Centre has links with key industrial partners and close strategic and geographical links with St Thomas’ Hospital, a top-rated teaching hospital, where the Centre is based. The CDT has a comprehensive capability to train and nurture the next generation of imaging scientists and research and industry leaders. For more details please click on the link below:

EPSRC CDT in Smart Medical Imaging


College-Wide Postgraduate Research Funding Programmes

Application Enquiries

For any enquiries relating to postgraduate research applications to our School, please contact Emily Helder

Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences MPhil/PhD MD/(Res) or option of Joint PhD in Medical Imaging and Biomedical Engineering

Click here to access the online prospectus