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The London Institute for Healthcare Engineering


The London Institute for Healthcare Engineering (LIHE), part of the vision for St Thomas’ MedTech Hub, led by the School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences.


About us

The London Institute for Healthcare Engineering (LIHE) is a new building embedded within St Thomas’ campus dedicated to bringing together King’s research excellence, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust’s leading clinical practice and the medtech sector’s commercial innovation power and talent, engaging multinationals, SMEs and start-ups simultaneously.

The close collaboration will ensure that research in healthcare engineering is translated rapidly into new products and technologies that will benefit patients.

In 2019, King’s College London, in partnership with Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, was awarded £16m UKRPIF funding to establish LIHE.

This opportunity was generated through major co-investment of over £32m from Wellcome and industry partners including Siemens Healthineers, Medtronic, NVIDIA and IBM, as well as £15m contribution from King’s towards the construction of the new building.


To learn more about LIHE and the way it is transforming the commercial translation of healthcare technology innovations, visit the dedicated LIHE website


Our team

Proceed with confidence and pace in taking your MedTech innovation to market.

LIHE - Logo with Kings Line

Contact Us

Are you a MedTech spin-out, start-up, or interested in making innovation a reality for the benefit of the NHS and of patients? Come and speak to us!