A College-wide educational endeavour to shape a culturally competent King’s Principal investigators: Dr Alice Hazard, Edward Ademolu. This project will evaluate King’s cultural competency programme to gain an understanding of its impact on students and staff. Project status: Ongoing
Arts Approaches to Resurgent Conflict in Uncertain Times Principal investigators: Zoë Norridge, Rachel Kerr, Nicola Palmer. How can researchers draw on culturally sensitive arts methodologies to explore civilian responses to living with the threat or reality of resurgent conflict? Project status: Ongoing
Bees in the medieval world: economic, environmental and cultural perspectives Principal investigators: Alexandra Sapoznik. How cultural ideas of the bee - a potent religious symbol - drove expansive trade in wax and honey and impact on economy and environment. Project status: Ongoing
Beyond 1932 : Rethinking Musical Modernity in the Middle East and North Africa (1932 MUSCON) Principal investigators: Martin Stokes. Investigating the 1932 Cairo Arab Music Congress. Project status: Ongoing
British Coronations Project, c.973 - present Principal investigators: Dr David Crankshaw, Dr George Gross. The passing of our longest monarch (the late Queen Elizabeth II) and the accession of Charles III and accompanying royal proclamations. Project status: Ongoing
Connecting Education for Sustainability and Cultural Competency at King’s Principal investigators: Timothy J. Huzar. Employing Education for Sustainability and Cultural Competency to tackle the climate crisis, and forms of intercultural hostility and identitarian conflict. Project status: Ongoing
Cosmological Visionaries: Shamans, Scientists, and Climate Change at the Ethnic Borderlands of China and Russia Principal investigators: Katherine Swancutt. Funded by the European Research Council Synergy Grant scheme, Cosmological Visionaries explores what environmental initiatives of the future will look like. Project status: Ongoing
Creative AI Lab The Creative AI Lab explores artistic and curatorial practices and surfaces in which ways these practices approach AI. Project status: Ongoing
Critical Intersections: Navigating Western and Non-Western Intellectual Traditions Principal investigators: Timothy J. Huzar. How to ethically and appropriately stage conversations between scholarly traditions that share a common object of critique: Western ontologies & epistemologies. Project status: Ongoing
Cultures of Care Principal investigators: Professor Nick Wilson. An interdisciplinary exploratory research project that seeks to better understand the nature and value of care, caring and care-work in and across society. Project status: Ongoing