Student support from a student's perspective
Children's Nursing Postgraduate Diploma student Hannah blogs about student support and how it's helped her.
Student support is the one stop shop for practical guidance and information during your time at King's. It’s been my first port of call throughout my whole journey here, from welcome information before I started the course, to timetabling, accommodation, exams, careers, health and wellbeing and everything in between. Now I'm looking ahead to graduation, I've realised they cover that too!
Before I started the course, I was keen to find out as much as I could about what it would be like to study at King’s, so I pored over the Welcome to King’s information on the website which I found incredibly useful. The website guides you through the whole process of enrolment before you start, sorting out accommodation, as well as practical things like getting your IT set up in advance. There is also a great app which is an easy way to help you navigate through those busy first few weeks while you settle in, including lots of useful information about things like welcome events and induction programmes, and you can set up a profile to chat to other students too!
Studying for a postgraduate qualification in nursing in just two years means that life is busy and there is a lot to juggle to meet the academic and professional requirements of the course. So, having comprehensive and straightforward student support service just makes life easier. You can find out more and download the app for Welcome week here.