King's professor teaches at the University of Navarra, Spain
Professor Ian Norman of the Florence Nightingale School of Nursing & Midwifery at King’s visited the University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain on 3-6 February 2010. The visit was sponsored by the European Union under its Lifelong Learning Programme for promoting staff exchange across European Universities.
The School of Nursing at the University of Navarra was founded in 1954 and is considered to be one of the most prestigious in Spain. It has produced nursing graduates since 1977, the same year that the Department of Nursing Studies was founded at King’s. The two Schools have an established partnership focusing on a range of activities over many years, including joint EU research, joint supervision of PhD students and student and staff exchanges.
Ian taught postgraduate students and gave a presentation to staff and students on Clinical Intervention Research on behalf of himself and Dr Angus Forbes. Ian also visited the mental health outpatients department and inpatient unit at the linked University Hospital and to view the work of mental health nurses and compare nursing practices in discussion with senior nurses.
Dr Maria Carmen Portillo will be making a reciprocal visit to the School in May and will give a series of seminars for postgraduate students and to discuss further opportunities for shared academic activities, including collaborative research.