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Celebrating Classical Civilisation at King's

Professor Edith Hall will be leading a celebration of the study of the ancient Greek and Roman worlds in the historic Anatomy Theatre at our Strand Campus on Saturday 2 July 2016 for King’s College London Classics staff, students and friends.

Students invited from local schools will enjoy a sit-down lunch in the Great Hall, and will be making a play in a day with current undergraduates. Speakers and entertainers will include BBC broadcaster and novelist Natalie Haynes, poet and playwright Caroline Bird, poet Caleb Femi, and boffins of the Classics and Class research project Professor Edith Hall and Dr Henry Stead.


Celebrating Classical Civilisation at King’s

Saturday July 2nd 2016

Anatomy Theatre, King’s College, The Strand




1100    Introduction: Edith Hall

1130    Natalie Haynes Stands up for Classical Civilisation

1200    Performing Classical Antiquity with David Bullen & KCL Finalists Part 1

1300    LUNCH in Great Hall

1415    Henry Stead

1430    Poet and Playwright Caroline Bird

1500    Poet Caleb Femi, night 63: a katabasis

1530    Edith hall: History, Archaeology, Philosophy, Literature?

1600    Performing Classical Antiquity with David Bullen & KCL Finalists Part 2

1700    Close


 celebrating classical civilisation