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Reimagining AI Futures

How can we democratise AI so it works for everyone? What are the hidden costs of the AI revolution? How should we regulate AI and how do we create AI that is safe and trusted from conception through to delivery?

These are some of the questions tackled in a new video series by experts from the Department of Informatics, as we look to reimagine what different futures for AI might look like. 



Episode 1: Dr Michael Cook on building the future of AI

Is the future of AI set in stone or can we still shape its evolution? What do we risk if AI remains in the hands of a few corporations and how do we wrestle back control? Dr Michael Cook interrogates the unwritten rules governing AI, reminding us that these tools are commercial products rather than scientific fact, calling us to play our part in reimagining AI futures, to ensure that we harness AI technology for good.

Read Michael Cook's blog post on building the future of AI

Episode 2: Dr Sanjay Modgil on AI regulation

Are we facing an information apocalypse due to unregulated AI? What damage has already been done to society? What might a pragmatic approach to regulation look like? Dr Sanjay Modgil stresses the urgent need for an interdisciplinary approach to harnessing the potential of AI, while mitigating against risks that we might not even know exist. He argues that developing AI regulatory policy frameworks must involve a broad range of partners, not industry alone, otherwise we face an uncertain future.

Read Sanjay Modgil's blog post on regulating the future of AI

Episode 3: Dr Elizabeth Black on a trustworthy future of AI

What exactly is safe and trusted AI? What tools and techniques can we use to build in trust and transparency? Dr Elizabeth Black argues that safe and trustworthy AI should be at the heart of the AI revolution. She stresses how safe and trusted also means diverse and representative, as well as some of the hard-hitting questions we need to ask ourselves about the trade-offs we��ll face in a future governed by AI.

Read Elizabeth Black's blog post on a trustworthy future of AI

Episode 4: Sana Khareghani on an AI future for everybody

What are the hidden costs of AI on our planet and on our world? Is AI exacerbating inequalities that already exist between countries and communities and how do we rally against this? Sana Khareghani shares insights on how government, industry and academia work together on infrastructure, adoption and governance. She looks at the skills the nation needs to develop and the global partners it needs to work with to build a brighter AI future.

Read Sana Khareghani's blog on an AI future for everybody

Explore AI at King’s

Safe & Trusted AI

Safe & Trusted AI

Supporting PhD students to pursue research on making safe and trusted AI systems.