Module description
This module introduces definitions, concepts, and debates relating to museums and heritage, and associated cultural organisations and industries. It draws on both theory and contemporary practice to encourage students to think critically and reflexively, and to interrogate the roles of museum and heritage institutions in the past, present and future. It poses questions, such as: What are the different roles played by museums and heritage, and the people who work in these sectors? Who and what are these institutions for? Who do they reach and speak to, and who is excluded or marginalised in the spaces and discourses of museums and heritage? Scholarly texts will be combined with policy and industry materials, and lectures and seminars will be augmented by visits to museums and heritage sites, and guest speakers from these sectors where possible, to provide students with up-to-the-minute industry insights. There is an expectation that some of the student's self-directed study time will be dedicated to their own museum and heritage site visits.
Assessment details
1 x 2,000 word essay - case study based (100%)
Educational aims & objectives
This module aims to:
Introduce students to key definitions of, and debates concerning museums and heritage, their history, their representation and their management.
Enable students to understand and analyse issues in museums and heritage focusing on various case studies, looking at issues such as conservation, interpretation, audiences, access and careers.
Enable students to locate museum and heritage theory, policy and practice in a wider historical, political, ideological, economic and environmental context.
Familiarise students with relevant theories and analytical tools which they can apply to their own investigations of museums and heritage sites.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students will be able to demonstrate their ability to:
Understand the key definitions and debates surrounding museums and heritage, and the various ways in which they have been theorised in academic and policy texts.
Use and apply key analytical tools in the critical examination of museums and heritage discourse, policy and practice.
Understand and analyse issues in museums and heritage focusing on various case studies, looking at issues such as conservation, interpretation, audiences, access and careers.
Communicate key concepts and arguments verbally and in writing, undertake research and organise information coherently.
Teaching pattern
Lectures, 10 x 1 hour seminars