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Greek & Latin Literature and Thought: An Introduction

Key information

  • Module code:


  • Level:


  • Semester:

      Full Year

  • Credit value:


Module description

Greek and Roman Literature & Thought: An Introduction is a first-year module aiming to introduce students to the literary culture of Ancient Greece and Rome. It is designed for students without any background knowledge of ancient literature and aims to offer a chronologically laid out, broad survey of periods, genres, ideas, and best-known authors of Greek and Roman literature and thought. All texts studied will be in English translation.

Major thematic stops of this module (indicatively) include: early Greek epic and lyric poetry; fifth-century Athenian drama; classical historiography; fourth-century oratory; Plato and Aristotle; Hellenistic poetry; imperial Greek literature; the literature of early and late Republican Rome; highlights from Augustan literature; early imperial literature and historiography; the Roman satirical tradition; the literature of the Late Empire.

Single semester (15-credit) versions:

  • 4AACAL1A Greek Literature & Thought: An Introduction (semester 1)
  • 4AACAL1B Roman Literature & Thought: An Introduction (semester 2) 

Single semester versions of the module, split into Greek Literature & Thought and Roman Literature & Thought, are available to students from outside the Department. These 15-credit modules are assessed by 1 x 2,000 words essay (100%).

Assessment details

2 x 2,000 word essays (50% each)

Teaching pattern

20 x 2-hour lecture (weekly); 20 x 1-hour seminar (weekly)

Suggested reading list

Suggested introductory reading

These are suggestions for further reading and purchase of these books is not mandatory.

  • T. Whitmarsh, Ancient Greek Literature (Cambridge 2004)
  • P. E. Easterling and B. Knox (eds), The Cambridge History of Classical Literature, vol. 1: Greek Literature (Cambridge 1989) - also published in separate paperback period specific volumes
  • M. Hose and D. Schenker (eds), A Companion to Greek Literature (Blackwell, June 2013)
  • S. M. Braund, Latin Literature (N. York and London 2002)
  • G. B. Conte, Latin Literature (Baltimore 1994)
  • E. Fantham, Roman Literary Culture from Cicero to Apuleius (Baltimore and London 1996).
  • E. Kenney and W. Clausen, Cambridge History of Classical Literature, vol. 2: Latin Literature (Cambridge 1982) - also published in separate paperback period specific volumes
  • S. Harrison (ed), A Companion to Latin Literature (Blackwell 2006)
  • R. Rutherford, Classical Literature: A Concise History (Blackwell 2004)
  • O. Taplin (ed.) Literature in the Greek and Roman World (Oxford 2000). NB. This invaluable book has also been published in two separate volumes, one for the Greek and one for the Roman period; these are in paperback, so easier to carry around.
  • G. Boys-Stones, B. Graziosi, and P. Vasunia (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Hellenic Studies (Oxford 2010)
  • Barchiesi and W. Scheidel (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Roman Studies (Oxford 2010) 

Module description disclaimer

King’s College London reviews the modules offered on a regular basis to provide up-to-date, innovative and relevant programmes of study. Therefore, modules offered may change. We suggest you keep an eye on the course finder on our website for updates.

Please note that modules with a practical component will be capped due to educational requirements, which may mean that we cannot guarantee a place to all students who elect to study this module.

Please note that the module descriptions above are related to the current academic year and are subject to change.