Module description
This module will critically review the nature and drivers of global climate change over a range of timescales: geological, recent past, present day and future scenarios. Students will acquire in-depth exposure to theory and techniques, leading to a better understanding of the causes and consequences of global climate change in isolation and as a whole. We will consider the nature and drivers of global climate across multiple temporal and spatial scales as well as interactions between climate and culture. We will explore how palaeoclimate provides insights into understanding recent and future climate change, the cutting-edge tools used by climate scientists, sources of uncertainty within climate datasets, and predictions of future climate extremes. We will also consider impacts such as heat on human health as well as the intersection of climate justice with energy.
Assessment details
2 x coursework assessments (50% each): one 2000-word Essay and one 1500-word Briefing
Educational aims & objectives
This module will critically review the nature and drivers of global climate change over a range of timescales: geological, recent past, present day and future scenarios. Students will acquire in-depth exposure to theory and techniques, leading to a better understanding of the causes and consequences of global climate change in isolation and as a whole. We will consider the nature and drivers of global climate across multiple temporal and spatial scales as well as interactions between climate and culture. We will explore how palaeoclimate provides insights into understanding recent and future climate change, the cutting-edge tools used by climate scientists, sources of uncertainty within climate datasets, and predictions of future climate extremes. We will also consider impacts such as heat on human health as well as the intersection of climate justice with energy.
Learning outcomes
On completion of this module students should have a thorough understanding of the key factors affecting past and current climate change as well as future scenarios and associated uncertainty. The module will review the nature, drivers and impacts of global climate across multiple temporal and spatial scales. By covering variability and change within different parts of the Earth System and the respective influence of natural variability and anthropogenic activity, the module will provide the scientific background necessary to better understand the causes and consequences of global climate change in isolation and as a whole as well as training in how to communicate effectively complex concepts.
Teaching pattern
9 x 2-hour lectures and 1 x 2-hour practical class