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Key information

  • Module code:


  • Level:


  • Semester:


  • Credit value:


Module description

Electromagnetism is at the heart of most of the man-made technology, and even function of the human brain itself is based on electrical processes. This module will provide essential knowledge of the fundamental concepts of electromagnetic fields and waves, their practical applications, and mathematical tools needed to describe them. The module aims to develop the ability to select and use appropriate theoretical models for analysis and problem solving related to the electromagnetic fields and waves, and the understanding of how laws of electromagnetism can be applied to problems arising in engineering and biomedical sciences.

Assessment details

30% coursework

70% examination


Semester 1-only Study abroad students will be set an alternative assessment to the January exam. 

Educational aims & objectives

indicative Syllabus

  • Vector calculus: gradient, divergence and curl operators, Gauss's theorem and Gauss's law, Laplace's and Poisson's equations.
  • Stationary electric flux field: current density, electric field strength and power density.
  • Static magnetic field: magnetic flux density, magnetic field strength, permeability, Ampere's law, Biot-Savart's law.
  • Magnetisation: diamagnetism, paramagnetism, ferromagnetism, hysteresis loop.
  • Electromagnetic induction: Faraday's law, energy in magnetic fields.
  • Maxwell’s equations (differential and integral form), wave equation.
  • Electromagnetic waves in free space and dielectric media.
  • Applications: signal transmission, electromagnets, bioelectricity.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course the students should be able:

  • To have detailed knowledge of the physical background and terminology of the electromagnetic field theory for electrical engineering problems.
  • To understand the electromagnetic field behaviour.
  • To select and use appropriate theoretical models for analysis, problem solving and finding solutions related to the electrostatic, electrodynamics and electromagnetic fields.

Module description disclaimer

King’s College London reviews the modules offered on a regular basis to provide up-to-date, innovative and relevant programmes of study. Therefore, modules offered may change. We suggest you keep an eye on the course finder on our website for updates.

Please note that modules with a practical component will be capped due to educational requirements, which may mean that we cannot guarantee a place to all students who elect to study this module.

Please note that the module descriptions above are related to the current academic year and are subject to change.