Module description
This module will provide students with an introduction to digital games and gaming cultures and the key academic debates and discussions surrounding them. In doing so, the module will examine how digital games have developed into the varied medium we know today. In particular, the module will focus upon defining the medium, the functions of games, as well as issues of representation within games and the various cultures that surround them, including (but not exhaustively), game production cultures, eSports, streaming, modding and game piracy.
The first half of the module will consider issues to do with establishing how we might define games, what functions they can have in social and economic life and the major areas of theoretical interest within game studies. The second half of the module will examine some of cultures surrounding gaming, (indicatively, but not exhaustively, modding, cracking, streaming, eSports and game piracy) and, in doing so, will particularly focus upon the politics of representation surrounding games and their associated cultures.
Students will be asked to work on a game prototype (using the software Twine2) and produce an individual written rationale. They will have the option to work in groups when it comes to the prototype, but will have to submit an individual assignment (portfolio).
Assessment details
Portfolio (Game Prototype and 1,000-word Rationale) (100%)
Educational aims & objectives
This module aims to:
- Introduce students to ways of defining games as well as exploring the multiple functions that games can have as social connectors, collaborative hubs, learning tools, pastimes, artworks, etc.
- Outline the main theoretical approaches within game studies.
- Critically explore both representation within games and also the way gamers/gaming cultures are constructed and represented more broadly.
- Explore the cultural and social organisation of the various cultures and practices surrounding games.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students will be able to demonstrate their ability to:
- Understand the varying ways of defining games and the multiple functions that games may have within social and economic life.
- Interrogate the main theoretical approaches within game studies.
- Critically analyse the politics of representation within games and gaming cultures.
- Understand and critique the cultural and social organisation of a variety of cultures and practices surrounding games.
Teaching pattern
Ten one-hour lectures and ten one-hour seminars