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Advanced Quantum Mechanics

Key information

  • Module code:


  • Level:


  • Semester:


  • Credit value:


Module description


Main topics will include bound states of the Hydrogen atom; angular momentum, spin, representations of SU(2); symmetries in quantum mechanics; relativistic quantum mechanics (Dirac equation); perturbative methods. Additional topics may include scattering states in central force problems; Feynman path integrals.


Introductory quantum theory, special relativity, groups and symmetries.

Assessment details

Written examination.

Semester 1 only students will be set an alternative assessment in lieu of in-person exams in January.

Full year students will complete the standard assessment.

Educational aims & objectives

The module deals with selected chapters from quantum mechanics, building upon the notions introduced in introductory courses on quantum theory. Apart from discussing fundamental examples like the hydrogen atom and new phenomena like spin, the module also provides concepts and mathematical tools useful in more advanced areas like quantum field theory. 

Teaching pattern

Two hours of lectures and one hour of tutorial per week throughout the term

Suggested reading list

Indicative reading list - link to Leganto system where you can search with module code for lists

Module description disclaimer

King’s College London reviews the modules offered on a regular basis to provide up-to-date, innovative and relevant programmes of study. Therefore, modules offered may change. We suggest you keep an eye on the course finder on our website for updates.

Please note that modules with a practical component will be capped due to educational requirements, which may mean that we cannot guarantee a place to all students who elect to study this module.

Please note that the module descriptions above are related to the current academic year and are subject to change.