Module description
This module offers students the opportunity to develop research skills over a series of lectures and workshops. These are focused on imaging software and methods currently employed at King’s, as outlined in the module handbook. Consequently, students are not required to have prior knowledge of anatomy or experience in imaging software in order to successfully complete the module.
Assessment details
Report (60%)
Presentation (40%)
Learning outcomes
By the end of the module you should:
1) Critique and give examples of the principles and applications of clinical and research imaging methods
2) Select a particular body region or structure according to a chosen project theme, survey its anatomy through literature and provide the argument to justify this selection
3) Consider the range of processing software systems capable of highlighting or illustrating a particular anatomical feature. Choose one to create a visual output that conveys useful information to a target audience. Provide a critical justification for this selection
4) Demonstrate oral communication skills for communicating scientific concepts, in particular, to defend the methodology employed throughout the project.