You have built and exited two businesses before you founded your current venture, what drives you?
The driving force behind every venture I’ve pursued is simple: bringing a concept to life that I believe is missing from the market. The foundation for this drive has evolved over the years and will continue to do so as I learn more. What I hope remains unchanged is the core principle: to enjoy the process of turning ideas into reality, building something sustainable, and ultimately scaling it to its fullest potential.
What problem is AquaZoo Partners seeking to address and what impact are you hoping to create?
My passion for animal conservation - especially within ex-situ institutions such as zoos and aquariums - has profoundly shaped my career aspirations. I have long sought to engage in this field from a business perspective, driven by a commitment to its broader conservation and educational missions. A significant challenge confronting zoos today is their inherently low profit margin, which hinders their ability to operate both sustainably and ethically.
AquaZoo Partners is dedicated to addressing this fundamental issue by reimagining the economic model of these institutions. Our venture proposes innovative, cost-effective strategies that not only extend visitor engagement but also enrich their educational experience through thoughtfully designed, entertainment approaches. Central to our initiative is the deployment of advanced data analytics to comprehensively understand visitor movement patterns - a pioneering effort in this sector. By doing so, we aim to transform the traditional zoo model into one that is financially robust, operationally efficient, and deeply aligned with the imperatives of conservation and public education.
You met your co-founder Immanuel (then a Computer Science student) at the Open Pitch Night event hosted by King’s Entrepreneurship Institute. What do you look for in a co-founder?
As a non-technical founder leading a tech company, the role of a CTO (Chief Technology Officer) is not just pivotal - it is the very foundation that transforms vision into reality. Reflecting on our journey, I recognise how fortunate I was to meet Immanuel at that event.
When searching for a co-founder, three key qualities stand out as essential:
1. Unwavering Obsession - Is my co-founder as deeply committed as I am? Will they put in the dedicated effort needed to turn this vision into reality?
2. Alignment and Trust – Do we share the same vision for the company? Can I trust this person completely, both in decision-making and execution?
3. Exceptional Expertise – Is this person truly outstanding in their field?
Immanuel embodies all three. Since the day we met, we've navigated both highs and lows, and today, we are more aligned than ever - positioned to scale this venture to its fullest potential.
How did taking part in activities like the Open Pitch Night and Idea Factory, help you and your entrepreneurial journey?
As a founder, the journey often begins with the challenge of bringing structure to what initially feels like chaos. Looking back, having the Entrepreneurship Institute (EI) as a guiding pillar provided us with a much-needed sense of direction - something we now appreciate more than ever in hindsight.
The Open Pitch Night was our first major step toward making this company a reality. It gave us a small amount of funding to develop a rough MVP and, more importantly, the validation that our idea had real potential. It was at Idea Factory where everything truly changed for us.
You started working on AquaZoo Partners, in the last few months of completing your MSc in Strategic Entrepreneurship & Innovation. How did you balance working on the start-up with your course?
I wouldn’t say I mastered the balance by any means, but while it was challenging, it also added an exciting dimension to the academic experience. I was able to fully leverage the expertise of King’s Business School, applying a theoretical lens to our venture in a way that enriched both my studies and our start-up.
Having a co-founding team was undoubtedly a huge advantage. That said, Immanuel was in a similar position - finishing his undergraduate degree in Computer Science - so we were both navigating the same demanding dual path.
Why did you decide to apply to the King’s Start-up Accelerator, and what’s been most valuable to your journey to date?
As soon as we learned about the accelerator, applying became a top priority. The unparalleled environment it offers - from a thriving community to the support of industry experts, all while providing hot-desking office space for our entire team - made it an ideal choice for us.
One standout moment was when we closed a client deal at 11:00pm with a company on the other side of the world. As I was finalising the agreement, another founder sat beside me, offering support whilst understanding the stakes involved. It was then that I fully realised the significance of this space - I was in the heart of Central London, surrounded by like-minded entrepreneurs and backed by an exceptional network. That experience reinforced my belief that this is the best accelerator programme in London.