It became clear to David that there was not a strong evidence base underpinning many drug policy decisions, and he became more involved in working toward more systemic reform that would improve the use of evidence in policymaking, and redirect drug control strategy to focus on public health, treatment, human rights, and social support.
He is the founding President of King’s Society for Psychedelic Studies and co-directed a lecture programme in Drug Assisted Psychotherapies hosted by King’s Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience. David is the founding President of the University of Kent (Canterbury) award-winning Psychedelics Society and is also founding Co-Director of the Breaking Convention charity, which hosts Europe’s largest academic conference on psychedelic consciousness, and a Director of the Scientific & Medical Network.
He has previously worked as a Researcher in Immunology at the National University of Singapore, a Haemodialysis Assistant for the NHS and as an assistant to Amanda Fielding at the Beckley Foundation. At Beckley, he was signatory liaison officer for a public letter signed by 60 former heads of state, Nobel laureates and public figures. He is now a part-time Director of Research at the Conservative Drug Policy Reform Group in London.
David has been involved in the organisation of conferences and lecture series, primarily on drug science, at not only King’s, but the University of Kent, University of Greenwich, National University of Singapore, and the House of Lords. He is the co-editor of several books, and author of several journal articles, book chapters, open letters, and literary pieces. His work is also cited as part of a reading list for an undergraduate programme at the University of Bath.