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5 Minutes with Precious Ezema

Precious recently joined the London Institute for Healthcare Engineering (LIHE) as the Community and Events Officer. We spoke to Precious about her journey from computer science to community building, her love for Reality TV, and how she is faring as a brand new Londoner.

5 mins with precious

Briefly, tell us about your background and career up until this point.

I studied Computer Science at university, where we were asked to take up a project within the tech hub. I wanted to do something different to the technical skills I was already studying, so I decided to build on my earlier skills and work in marketing for a startup. I found it interesting and took my first job out of university as a marketing coordinator for GoMyCode. From here, I realised I enjoyed the side of marketing that was more people-facing, and decided to pivot to community management in tech. I moved between a few roles managing communities for startups in the tech space in Africa, which involved launching and managing their community ecosystems.


I've always loved travelling, so when a friend asked me to look over their Global Tech Talent visa application, I knew this was the perfect next opportunity for me. I applied too and it ended up being just the right thing- so here I am now at LIHE!


What does a typical day look like for you?

My daily routine at the moment is shaped by London weather- with longer days and shorter nights, I'm usually up with the sun at 4 or 5 AM. I do my church prayers at 6 AM and get ready for work- if I'm working from home, I start working before I get breakfast as there's a lot to do! Even so, I always try to strike a balance and make sure I don't feel overworked. I unwind after work with a good show, usually on Showmax, which has a lot of African reality TV. I chat with my friends - often about the show we're watching - and call it a day!


What do you think will our readers find most surprising about you?

That I'm always cold! I'm wearing a puffer jacket in the month of June as we speak. I'm also great at multitasking- you can find me working and watching a show at the same time, without missing a beat on either.


What do you like doing with your time outside of work?

My love for reality TV aside, I also spend quite a lot of time continuing my community-building projects outside of work, specifically for women in tech. I'm also a mentor as part of my Global Tech Talent Visa with Tech Nation, which involves supporting aspirants hoping to apply for the visa with. I'm new to London of course, so I try to go out and explore the city as much as possible, and make TikToks reviewing places I visit and documenting my adventures!


What advice would you give your 18-year-old self?

I would say that first and foremost, perseverance is key. Work hard, keep your eyes on the prize, and be okay with failing- it's part of the process and you're always failing forward. Dust yourself off, get up and try again!



Quick-fire round


Morning coffee order?

I used to like a good coffee but am more of a hot chocolate person now

Favourite season?

A proper, hot summer, unlike the ones we get in London. I'm a fan of dry weather 

Currently watching on Netflix?

I watch ShowMax more than I do Netflix but I enjoyed The Ultimatum South Africa.

Ideal dinner guest?

Beyonce- beyond her music, I'd love to hear more about her life story, her work ethic and how she keeps going.

In this story

Precious Ezema

Precious Ezema

Community and Events Officer, London Institute for Healthcare Engineering

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