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Find the Foundation programme for you

With our team of highly-qualified and experienced teachers, you can be sure that you are taking the best first step towards studying in the UK.

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Why choose the King's International Foundation Programme?

The King's International Foundation Programme is a one-year specialist academic preparation programme designed for ambitious international students who want to study an undergraduate degree in the UK. Please note that UK students typically do not qualify for this programme. Tailored pathways develop your subject knowledge, introduce you to UK higher education and enhance your academic English. We also offer an extended option comprising five weeks' intensive online English language preparation for those who need a language boost before joining the substantive King's International Foundation Programme. As a King’s student from day one, you can access all our facilities, activities and support. You will also have a personal tutor for guidance and support with your studies and degree application. Important update: The application deadline has been extended to 31st March 2025 and is subject to review. Pathways will close once they reach full capacity.

Find out more about the King's International Foundation ProgrammeDiscover the Extended King's International Foundation ProgrammeTake a look at the 10 reasons to join us

Discover our four pathways

Life as a King's International Foundation Programme student

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