21 March 2025 Youth mental health in decline: Canadians much more likely to blame cost of living than international peers This is seen as a much bigger issue in Canada than in the UK or Australia
11 March 2025 Performance pay for civil servants – what does the evidence say? Research is broadly positive about the impacts of such a move. But the details matter
19 February 2025 Taiwan crisis 'never more unstable' as Trump returns to White House, warns report The return of Donald Trump creates dangerous instability in US-China relations
26 January 2025 Wealth inequality risks triggering 'societal collapse' within next decade, report finds The warning comes from an expert roundtable led by researchers from King's and the Fairness…
The UK in the World Values Survey The Policy Institute leads the UK arm of one of the largest and most widely used social surveys…
Culture wars in the UK Our major ongoing research programme explores the drivers and features of cultural division in the…
The future of higher education New research, analysis and events dissecting the pressing challenges facing UK universities
Generations Selfish Baby Boomers? "Snowflake" Millennials and Gen Z? Our Generations website tackles the…
UK in a Changing Europe A leading academic think tank providing analysis of the critical issues facing the UK
The Strand Group Examining the institutions of British Government through teaching, research and events
Health and social care workforce research group Producing vital research in the health and social care workforce field
Evidence Development and Incubation Team EDIT works to generate evidence of the causal impact of programmes