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Dr Nicholas Ashton

Postdoctoral Research Associate


Nicholas Ashton is Assistant Professor at the University of Gothenburg and Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Old Age Psychiatry at KCL.


    Female doctor giving advice to elderly person at a desk 780
    NIHR HealthTech Research Centre in Brain Health

    National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) HealthTech Research Centre, designed to accelerate the advancement of cutting-edge technology to better understand brain health and ageing and help people live healthier lives for longer.


      Female doctor giving advice to elderly person at a desk 780
      NIHR HealthTech Research Centre in Brain Health

      National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) HealthTech Research Centre, designed to accelerate the advancement of cutting-edge technology to better understand brain health and ageing and help people live healthier lives for longer.