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Who are we and what do we do?

The Money & Housing Advice Service (MHAS) offers advice, guidance and advocacy to King’s students. Whether you are thinking of coming to King’s or already have an offer to study with us, we’re here for you throughout your student journey.

Before you embark on your course, we provide advice, information and outreach sessions to help you prepare your finances. We can also help you navigate any changes to your personal circumstances throughout your time at King’s, especially if they affect your living arrangements, housing options or financial security.

Our aim is to inform and empower you to take agency of your own financial situation and housing options. However, we are also here to support and advocate on your behalf when required if we are the most appropriate team to do so. If the expertise sits with another team or agency, we will work with you to get you appropriate support.

We work closely with our student staff, the King's Student Money Mentors, and external partners Blackbullion and NASMA to develop proactive resources, tools and campaigns to keep you informed of current student issues that may impact your financial position and housing options.

Two students sitting on a sofa talking.

How our service works

We will endeavour to help you identify practical solutions to improve or take control of your current financial or housing situation, which may be causing you distress and/or affecting your ability to fully engage with your studies. Our team are friendly, understanding and committed to continuously improving the student experience at King’s.

We aim to respond to all initial enquiries within 5 working days. Cases may be prioritised based on complexity and need rather than the date of enquiry. Where our service cannot assist directly, the enquiry will be forwarded to the relevant internal team, or the enquirer will be signposted to alternative sources of help and support. For full details of our terms of service, what you can expect from the advisers and what we in turn expect from our clients, please see our MHAS Service User Guidance.

For more information

Many common queries can be answered by using our helpful articles on Student Services Online. If you still require support, further contact details can be found below. For detailed, personal advice, complete our registration form below.


Emails are prioritised by urgency and we aim to respond within 5 working days.


Our Advice Line phone service is open at the following times: • Tuesdays, 10.00–12.00 • Thursdays, 13.00–15.00 • Fridays, 10.00–12.00 Please note these calls are usually for a maximum of 15 minutes. Please ensure you have your student ID ready, as your adviser will ask for this at the start of the call. If your query is complex, then it may need an appointment or follow-up by email.

Drop-ins and appointments

Enrolled students can come to an on-campus drop-in session at the following times: • Mondays, 13.00–15.00, Strand Campus (Guy's Campus* from 24 March) • Wednesdays, 13.00–15.00, Strand Campus (ends 19 March) and Guy's Campus You can also request to have an appointment with an adviser in person at Strand Campus,* Guy's Campus or Waterloo Campus, or over Microsoft Teams. *Please note that we're moving as part of the Campus Futures programme. Our new Strand Campus location in Bush House North West will open in mid-April. From Monday 24 March until the new location opens, our drop-ins will take place at our Guy's Campus location only. In-person appointments will continue to be available on Strand Campus (Floor 3 of Bush House South East) and our usual Guy's Campus and Waterloo Campus locations. Please note that these are quick sessions. If we can’t fully address your query on the day, a follow-up appointment will be booked or an email with advice will be sent to you after your meeting.

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