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The King’s Centre for Military Health Research (KCMHR) is the leading civilian UK centre of excellence for research with the Armed Forces Community. Independent of the Ministry of Defence, Office for Veterans’ Affairs and chain of command, our research has provided much-needed evidence on the health and well-being of serving and ex-serving personnel and their families. 

What does KCMHR do?

Our research relates to conflict and health, occupational psychiatry, personnel issues, wellbeing and social policy. We conduct research in four main areas:

• Serving personnel;
• Ex-serving personnel;
• Families of serving and ex-serving personnel;
• Interventions.

We work closely with the Academic Department of Military Mental Health

Impact and dissemination

Findings from the studies conducted at KCMHR are regularly published in high-impact journals such as the British Medical Journal (BMJ) and the Lancet series. The high-quality of this research is regularly cited by leading research organisations in the UK and used as impact case studies within academia. We strive to ensure that our research is disseminated widely throughout academia but also to military providers, medical professionals, policy makers, charities, and serving and ex-serving personnel and their families.

Our research has contributed to changes on policy and services regarding serving and ex-serving personnel and their families. These include:

• Improved mental health provision for reservists entitling them the same care after deployment as their regular counterparts;
• Armed Forces campaigns on road safety;
• Evidence regarding the delivery of anthrax vaccinations to military personnel;
• Contributing to the Ministry of Defence Armed Forces Families’ Strategy and underlying action plan, the Defence People Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2017-2022 and the Veterans Strategy 2018;
• Contributing to the Mental Health Services for Veterans in England Consultation and Action Plan 2016;
• Influencing the formulation of NHS TILS service and Complex Treatment Services 2017;
• Contributing to international policy in Five Eye Nations, such as the reduction in US deployment lengths from 1 year to 9 months.


KCMHR regularly collaborates with other academic institutions, military charities and government organisations within the UK and internationally to produce high-quality and valued evidence regarding our military population.

If you have an idea for a research project, please email us at


Walter Busuttil

Consultant Psychiatrist & Visiting Professor

Bethany Croak

Research Assistant & PhD Student

Daniel Dyball

Research Associate

Nicola Fear

Professor of Epidemiology

Sofia Franchini

Research Assistant


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DrinksRation is a smartphone app designed to reduce alcohol misuse in the Armed Forces using digital technology and behavioural change theory.

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Health and Wellbeing Cohort Study

A long-term study investigating the health and wellbeing of UK military personnel deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan.

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The Bosnia Veterans Study

Cancer risk and mortality in UK Service personnel deployed to Bosnia 1992-1996

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The Porton Down Veterans Cohort Study

A study exploring long-term health of former servicemen who were exposed to chemical warfare agents as part of the ‘human volunteer programme’ at Porton Down.

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A study investigating the current experiences and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health, wellbeing and lifestyle behaviours of ex-serving personnel.


Highlighted Publications

Intimate partner violence and abuse experience and perpetration in UK military personnel compared to a general population cohort: A cross-sectional study. MacManus, D., Short, R., Lane, R., Jones, M., Hull, L., Howard, L. M. & Fear, N. T., Sep 2022, In: The Lancet Regional Health - Europe. 20, 100448.

Post-Traumatic Growth amongst UK Armed Forces personnel who deployed to Afghanistan and the role of combat injury, mental health and pain: The ADVANCE cohort study. Dyball, D., Bennett, A. N., Schofield, S., Cullinan, P., Boos, C. J., Bull, A. M. J., Stevelink, S. & Fear, N., 12 Jul 2022, (Accepted/In press) In: Psychological Medicine.

Mental health outcomes of male UK military personnel deployed to Afghanistan and the role of combat injury: analysis of baseline data from the ADVANCE cohort study. Jul 2022, In: The Lancet Psychiatry. 9, 7, p. 547-554

Evaluating the Efficacy of the Drinks:Ration Mobile App to Reduce Alcohol Consumption in a Help-Seeking Military Veteran Population: Randomized Controlled Trial. Leightley, D., Williamson, C., Rona, R. J., Carr, E., Shearer, J., Davis, J. P., Simms, A., Fear, N. T., Goodwin, L. & Murphy, D., 1 Jun 2022, In: JMIR mHealth and uHealth. 10, 6, e38991.

Recruiting Military Veterans into Alcohol Misuse Research: The Role of Social Media and Facebook Advertising. Williamson, C., Rona, R., Simms, A., Fear, N., Goodwin, L., Murphy, D. & Leightley, D., 11 May 2022, (E-pub ahead of print) In: TELEMEDICINE JOURNAL AND E-HEALTH.

To find more KCMHR & ADMMH publications, please visit our page on the King's research portal.


    woman in black coat standing in front of paintings
    Real Stories 2024

    Staff at KCMHR are delighted to launch 'Real Stories 2024', an initiative which captures, via images, the diverse experiences that form the rich tapestry of military life. This online catalogue, comprised of a series of photographs, poetry and prose, provides a unique insight into what life is like for the UK Armed Forces community today. The theme of the 2024 open call was ‘Capturing Meaningful Life Events’.


    20-year study finds rates of PTSD and common mental disorders on the rise in Armed Forces personnel and veterans

    The latest research from the King’s Centre for Military Health Research (KCMHR), King’s College London and commissioned by the Office for Veterans’ Affairs...


    The interplay between serious physical combat injuries, leaving military service and suicidal ideation

    Findings from ADVANCE study, looked at suicidal ideation within UK military personnel who sustained a serious physical combat injury on deployment in...

    A row of military personnel legs and shoes.

    The Princess Royal attends the 2024 Veterans' Mental Health Conference

    On Tuesday 14 May 2024, Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal attended the 2024 Veterans’ Mental Health Conference, organised by the King’s Centre for...

    The Princess Royal speaking at the Veterans' Conference 2024

    King's Centre for Military Health Research and Forces in Mind Trust Research Centre host Australian Minister of Veterans' Affairs

    Australian government delegation met with centres' researchers to hear about the ongoing work and support for veterans.

    780x440 Australian Minister Visit 1

    Restore and Rebuild therapy shows potential as treatment for moral injury in UK Armed Forces

    New research from the King’s Centre for Military Health Research (KCMHR) and Combat Stress, the UK’s leading veterans’ mental health charity, has shown that a...



    Walter Busuttil

    Consultant Psychiatrist & Visiting Professor

    Bethany Croak

    Research Assistant & PhD Student

    Daniel Dyball

    Research Associate

    Nicola Fear

    Professor of Epidemiology

    Sofia Franchini

    Research Assistant


    Image missing an alt value

    DrinksRation is a smartphone app designed to reduce alcohol misuse in the Armed Forces using digital technology and behavioural change theory.

    Image missing an alt value
    Health and Wellbeing Cohort Study

    A long-term study investigating the health and wellbeing of UK military personnel deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Image missing an alt value
    The Bosnia Veterans Study

    Cancer risk and mortality in UK Service personnel deployed to Bosnia 1992-1996

    Image missing an alt value
    The Porton Down Veterans Cohort Study

    A study exploring long-term health of former servicemen who were exposed to chemical warfare agents as part of the ‘human volunteer programme’ at Porton Down.

    Image missing an alt value

    A study investigating the current experiences and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health, wellbeing and lifestyle behaviours of ex-serving personnel.


    Highlighted Publications

    Intimate partner violence and abuse experience and perpetration in UK military personnel compared to a general population cohort: A cross-sectional study. MacManus, D., Short, R., Lane, R., Jones, M., Hull, L., Howard, L. M. & Fear, N. T., Sep 2022, In: The Lancet Regional Health - Europe. 20, 100448.

    Post-Traumatic Growth amongst UK Armed Forces personnel who deployed to Afghanistan and the role of combat injury, mental health and pain: The ADVANCE cohort study. Dyball, D., Bennett, A. N., Schofield, S., Cullinan, P., Boos, C. J., Bull, A. M. J., Stevelink, S. & Fear, N., 12 Jul 2022, (Accepted/In press) In: Psychological Medicine.

    Mental health outcomes of male UK military personnel deployed to Afghanistan and the role of combat injury: analysis of baseline data from the ADVANCE cohort study. Jul 2022, In: The Lancet Psychiatry. 9, 7, p. 547-554

    Evaluating the Efficacy of the Drinks:Ration Mobile App to Reduce Alcohol Consumption in a Help-Seeking Military Veteran Population: Randomized Controlled Trial. Leightley, D., Williamson, C., Rona, R. J., Carr, E., Shearer, J., Davis, J. P., Simms, A., Fear, N. T., Goodwin, L. & Murphy, D., 1 Jun 2022, In: JMIR mHealth and uHealth. 10, 6, e38991.

    Recruiting Military Veterans into Alcohol Misuse Research: The Role of Social Media and Facebook Advertising. Williamson, C., Rona, R., Simms, A., Fear, N., Goodwin, L., Murphy, D. & Leightley, D., 11 May 2022, (E-pub ahead of print) In: TELEMEDICINE JOURNAL AND E-HEALTH.

    To find more KCMHR & ADMMH publications, please visit our page on the King's research portal.


      woman in black coat standing in front of paintings
      Real Stories 2024

      Staff at KCMHR are delighted to launch 'Real Stories 2024', an initiative which captures, via images, the diverse experiences that form the rich tapestry of military life. This online catalogue, comprised of a series of photographs, poetry and prose, provides a unique insight into what life is like for the UK Armed Forces community today. The theme of the 2024 open call was ‘Capturing Meaningful Life Events’.


      20-year study finds rates of PTSD and common mental disorders on the rise in Armed Forces personnel and veterans

      The latest research from the King’s Centre for Military Health Research (KCMHR), King’s College London and commissioned by the Office for Veterans’ Affairs...


      The interplay between serious physical combat injuries, leaving military service and suicidal ideation

      Findings from ADVANCE study, looked at suicidal ideation within UK military personnel who sustained a serious physical combat injury on deployment in...

      A row of military personnel legs and shoes.

      The Princess Royal attends the 2024 Veterans' Mental Health Conference

      On Tuesday 14 May 2024, Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal attended the 2024 Veterans’ Mental Health Conference, organised by the King’s Centre for...

      The Princess Royal speaking at the Veterans' Conference 2024

      King's Centre for Military Health Research and Forces in Mind Trust Research Centre host Australian Minister of Veterans' Affairs

      Australian government delegation met with centres' researchers to hear about the ongoing work and support for veterans.

      780x440 Australian Minister Visit 1

      Restore and Rebuild therapy shows potential as treatment for moral injury in UK Armed Forces

      New research from the King’s Centre for Military Health Research (KCMHR) and Combat Stress, the UK’s leading veterans’ mental health charity, has shown that a...
