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We all take notice when the poor become even poorer – when we witness more rough sleepers and longer food bank queues.

However, when the rich amass greater wealth, it often goes unnoticed in public, and for most of us, our daily lives remain ostensibly unchanged. In her book 'Limitarianism: The Case Against Extreme Wealth', philosopher and economist Ingrid Robeyns sheds light on the alarming extent of our wealth problem, which has quietly escalated over the past 50 years.

From moral and political perspectives to economic, social, environmental, and psychological dimensions, she argues that extreme wealth is not only unjustifiable but is also detrimental to society as a whole, and proposes a radical solution - placing a hard limit on the wealth that any one person can accumulate. Join the Policy Institute and the Fairness Foundation for the next instalment in our Fair Society series.


  • Professor Ingrid Robeyns, Chair in Ethics of Institutions, Utrecht University and author of 'Limitarianism: The Case Against Extreme Wealth'
  • Luke Hildyard, Director, High Pay Centre and author of 'Enough: Why It's Time to Abolish the Super-Rich'
  • Graham Hobson, technologist and member of Patriotic Millionaires UK
  • Will Snell, Chief Executive, the Fairness Foundation (Chair) 

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