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Abstract: Artificial Intelligence systems and applications are gaining greater prominence in everyday life. With this growth comes the need to discuss and debate the implications of this development. With this is mind, this talk aims to introduce some of the key concepts relating to what AI really means, different means to achieving it, and outline key challenges and ethical considerations.

Bio: Dr Nicholas (Nick) Cummins is a Lecturer in AI for speech analysis for health at the Department of Biostatistics and Health Informatics at King's College London. He is also the Chief Science Officer for Thymia, a start-up developing technologies to make mental health assessments faster, more accurate and objective. Nick is fascinated by the application of machine learning techniques to improve our understanding of different health conditions. He is particularly interested in applying these techniques to mental health disorders. He is actively involved in the RADAR-CNS project in which he assists in the management of Work Package 8: Data Analysis & Biosignatures.


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