Enrolment options

We're here to help you building success on your career and employability journey - wherever you may be along that path, and wherever you may be located as a current student or recent graduate of King's College London.

We will also help you to articulate the knowledge, attributes, skills and experiences you gain through your qualification, that we know are valued by top graduate recruiters and you'll benefit from strong links with alumni, businesses and other organisations in the UK and around the world.

Our KEATS resources are framed by the three phases of your career journey:

  • Discover - I’m just starting to explore careers and what I have to offer
  • Focus I have a few ideas of careers that interest me and beginning to understand how to get there.
  • ActionI have a clear idea of careers that interest me and know how to achieve my next step.

This should help you identify the most useful information and support based on the current phase of your career thinking.

PLEASE NOTE: The Alumni access code was updated in June 2023 - if you are a graduate trying to access our KEATS course, please go www.kcl.ac.uk/careerconnect to  register or sign in as a graduate & you will find the new password on the landing page dashboard.

Self Enrolment (Students and Research Staff)
Self Enrolment (Students and Research Staff)
Guest access
Guest access