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Adjudicating the Future

climate change & the rule of law London symposium 17-19 September 2015: hosted by the Dickson poon school of law, the supreme court, hm government & the journal of environmental law


Adjudicating the future in international law

This event was held at The Supreme Court 17 September 2015. Ahead of the climate change negotiations in Paris this December, Professor Philippe Sands QC gave a public lecture on the role of international law and judges in addressing legal issues relating to climate change. Read the transcript here (pdf)


JEL annual lecture: judicial perspectives from around the world

This event was held at King's College London 18 September 2015.  In this open discussion, senior specialist judges from around the world compared their experiences and considered the future of climate change adjudication.

HRH  letter of support for symposium

Letter of support for the symposium from HRH The Prince of Wales read to delegates on the first day of the conference (pdf).

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symposium information

Read reports on 'Adjudicating the Future: Climate Change & the Rule of Law'. 

Map of the world

symposium speaker interviews

Research Fellow and PhD student Stephen Minas talks to speakers at the Adjudicating the Future: Climate Change & the Rule of Law symposium. Listen to the interviews on SoundCloud. 


climate change & the law: academic reflections

Read articles about climate change and the law on the Journal of Environmental Law blog. Visit the Journal of Environmental Law website. 

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